Most of the major streets of downtown Al Ain are divided (by direction of travel) by fences like this. The artwork on the fence varies, sometimes a della like here, or incense burner or mosque.
One photo of Al Ain at random intervals or your money back!
Al Ain definitely has a completely different feel from somewhere like Dubai. I hesitate to use the word "authentic," but that's how it feels to me. :)
That is VERY cool
i am sebastien from khasab diver in Oman
While i was surfing on the net and i got astonishingly attrated and fascinated by number of the wonderful pictures you had taken in different places and the way you took them . i can say a big Wow;;;
I would like to invite you to come over here to Khasab and meet us . I will be very pleased if you accept my invitation for a small but amazing visit .
My agency is a diving and dhow cruise organizer which you can enjoy a number of activities and fun . we do organize diving,snorkeling,fishing,kayak,mountain trips,camping and beach party
Awaiting your acceptance revert back.
Hi. Just dropping by here.
These fences are really fascinating. So sad that some of these fences are gone due to massive road construction in downtown Al Ain.
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